Who knew peeing on a stick could arouse such emotions? I laughed and cried standing at my bathroom window.
Later, I listened to "Fire and Rain" as I waited on hold for that plus sign to be confirmed by my doctor.
Later, I presented my parents with a tiny pair of booties with ducks on them.
A few days after, I boohooed in the car a la Holly Hunter in Raising Arizona... "I luvvv heee-yim sooooo muuucchhhh!"
My 5-month-old fetus... or "Festus," as you were lovingly called by my dear friends.
Later, I listened to "Fire and Rain" as I waited on hold for that plus sign to be confirmed by my doctor.
Later, I presented my parents with a tiny pair of booties with ducks on them.
A few days after, I boohooed in the car a la Holly Hunter in Raising Arizona... "I luvvv heee-yim sooooo muuucchhhh!"
My 5-month-old fetus... or "Festus," as you were lovingly called by my dear friends.

My minutes-old wonder boy.
Still nameless.
"It's a boy," still sinking into my brain.
But already oh so loved.
At my graduation with you around 8 months old.
Your 1st birthday.
When you were in love with Blue's Clues and saying "mama" over and over and over just because you liked the sound of it.
When you were in love with Blue's Clues and saying "mama" over and over and over just because you liked the sound of it.
And then your world changed when you became a big brother.
And you are indeed one of the best big brothers I've ever known anything about.
And you are indeed one of the best big brothers I've ever known anything about.
You turned 2.
You painted a rocket.
And I marveled at your bigness.
Best buds.
Most of the time.
Easter '09 when you broke my heart with your handsomeness.
Party of 4.
And that brings us to now.
You're 3.
You pretend to be Indiana Jones.
You have an imaginary friend/buffalo named Bernie, who sleeps in our bathtub.

And I'm 100% sure that you're too big.
And that I'm just going to have to put a rock on your head.
It's not living if you don't reach for the sky.
I'll have tears as you take off,
But I'll cheer as you fly
I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams
And that faith gives you the courage
To dare to do great things.
I'm here for you whatever this life brings.
So let my love give you roots
And help you find your wings
Megan, HOW BEAUTIFUL your words for your boy are! What a great blog post! The song you wrote the lyrics to at the bottom is one of my favorites and I used to sing it around the time Donald was getting married, and I would just sit and cry and cry and cry and CRY!!!!!!!! Still makes me cry!!! Love you. Cindy PS Oh and it gets worse the older they get! :)
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